Hasrul Eka Putra
Hasrul adalah Asisten Muda Ombudsman RI pada Kantor Perwakilan Sulawesi Selatan. Sejak mahasiswa ia sudah tertarik dan tergabung pada beberapa organisasi terkait advokasi kebijakan publik dan pelibatan masyarakat. Ia merupakan alumni dari beberapa program internasional seperti Study in the U.S Institute (Indiana, 2012), Taylor-Made Complaint Handling Internship (The Hague, 2015), & YSEALI of Good Governance (Manila, 2022). Dalam karir profesionalnya, Hasrul berpengalaman dan bertanggungjawab untuk penanganan pengaduan, riset/telaah kebijakan, metode Progresif-Partisipatif (Propartif), sampai resolusi konflik melalui konsiliasi. Beriringan dengan kerja profesionalnya, Hasrul juga merupakan Koordinator “DIGITASEA” – komunitas anak muda di 6 negara ASEAN yang fokus pada isu Digital-Wellbeing, Anggota Majelis Etik AJI (Alliansi Jurnalis Independen) Kota Gorontalo, penulis essai kebudayaan di Komunitas Tupalo – (Kolektif seni berbasis di Gorontalo), dan saat ini bergiat di Riwanua. Beberapa essainya dapat dibaca di Makassar Nol Kilometer (2014), Telinga Palsu (2017), Tupalo: Kata dan Rupa Gorontalo (2019), Maa Ledungga: Pesta Seni Jelang Panen Padi (2020), Luar Peta (2021).
Hasrul is a Mid-Level Ombudsman Assistant in the South-Sulawesi Regional Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia. He has been passionate and engaged in public policy advocacy and civic engagement for almost 15 years since his time back in college. Hasrul is an alumnus of some international programs such as Study in the U.S Institute (Indiana, 2012), Taylor-Made Complaint Handling Internship (The Hague, 2015), & YSEALI of Good Governance (Manila, 2022). In his professional career, he has trained and been responsible for various skills and positions–from the advanced investigation, policy research (rapid assessment and systemic review), progressive-participative complaint handling (also known as Fair-Trait Approach), to conflict resolution through conciliation. In alignment with his professional work, Hasrul is also a coordinator of “DIGITASEA” – a youth community in 6 ASEAN countries focused on Digital-Wellbeing issue. He is also a member of the Ethic Council of Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) of Gorontalo City. He actively wrote essays about art and culture for Tupalo (an art collective based in Gorontalo) and is a fellow in Riwanua. Hasrul’s writing can be read in Makassar Nol Kilometer (2014), Telinga Palsu (2017), Tupalo: Kata dan Rupa Gorontalo (2019), Maa Ledungga: Pesta Seni Jelang Panen Padi (2020), Luar Peta (2021).