MSG Riwanua

Perjamuan Makan Siang Gembira (MSG) kali ini menghadirkan Delphine Hyvrier sebagai penjamu, peserta program residensi yang tinggal di Riwanua, Makassar sejak pertengahan November 2023. Setelah perjamuan, Delphine menceritakan tentang pengalamannya selama residensi di Riwanua. Bagaimana ia melakukan perjalanan ke sejumlah tempat seperti Enrekang, Maros, dan seputar Makassar untuk bertemu banyak orang, bercengkrama tentang tumbuh-tumbuhan, kunang-kunang serta cuaca, dan belajar memahami asas-asas kerjasama organik, dan tentunya, belajar Bahasa Indonesia dasar.

Delphine Hyvrier is an artist and a PhD candidate in arts, architecture and design in the Jean Monnet Université and École Supérieure d’Art et Design de Saint-Étienne (ESADSE), in Saint-Etienne, France. She studied design and cultural geography in Sorbonne and Paris 8 Vincennes. Since 2019, she studies the invention of the occidental way of living and its cultural and ecological consequences in France since the 50’s.

Her articles have been published in journals such as Design, Arts and Medias, Azimuts or Les Carnets du Paysage. She organized two study days dedicated to young researchers and creators focusing on ecological issues and environmental justice (Of What nature is the name? 2021; State of emergency, 2022) and present her doctoral work in forums (What Architecture does to Ecology, Rouen 2023, Detroit Acts of Urbanism, Detroit 2022, Canari Effect, Saint-Petersburg 2020, Expanding the Arts Zurich, 2020).

She participated several exhibitions: Transplantations, a collective exhibition dealing with the stories of uprooted farmers communities organized in a south-eastern French organic poultry farm, June 2023; Manger, domir, communiquer (Eating Sleeping Communicating), created with CyDRE lab in Saint-Etienne for the Milano Design Week in 2023; Wild Mountains Retarded Peasants in TEM-Press, 2022, Saint-Etienne; Inside Production, Saint-Etienne international Design Biennale of 2022.