Mubarak Aziz, Co-founder/Director
After graduating in Marine Science at Universitas Hasanuddin, he works as a freelancer in couple of projects, among others: “Ekspedisi Cengkeh” in the North Sulawesi (Minahasa, Tondano, Sangihe, Talaud) and Molucca (Tobelo, Morotai, Ternate, Tidore, Haruku). As facilitator, he was involved in “Ekspedisi Jalur Rempah” or spice root expedition, a program organized by Ministry of Education and Culture (2017), and advocacy on developing grassroot based alternative energy in Kolepon, Merauke, Papua, organized by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (2014). He is also part of the research team of Merayakan Masjid Istiqlal (2017) and Lontara’ Duri publishing (2020-2024). He also worked for seven years (from 2013 to 2020) in Rakata Alam Terbuka, a company that develops outdoor educational programs and outdoor-based tourism in many places in Indonesia among others in Ciletuh Geopark and Cinumpang Camping Ground in Sukabumi. By the invitation and support of Institut Français Indonésie, Jakarta, he participated Design Kolektif program organized by Cité du design – École supérieure d’Art et Design de Saint-Étienne (Esadse) in Saint-Étienne, France. In 2024, he is one of participating researcher in collaboration with two artists for an artwork showcase during FKSM (Festival Komunitas dan Seni Media) in Makassar. Since 2021, he is acting as director of Riwanua.